Search Resumes in Jamaica

JobInJam is providing a large list of Jamaican Resumes. Our candidate are recruited through high-end user acquisition process that target the best Jamaican resumes available. Access to resume details is only given to employers that post job offers on JobInJam. To do so, you have to Register an Employer Account and then Post a Jamaican Job Offer.

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REG Jan, 14
REG Jan, 14
zzusalmewtmjdhhGP zwusalmeftadcfrGP Malaysia, Turkmenistan
REG Jan, 14
REG Jan, 13
REG Jan, 13
ryece wright Kingston Jamaica, Jamaica
Jan, 13
REG Jan, 13
REG Jan, 13
xvusaymectnsxzpGP swusafme3mokdujGP Peru, Dominican Republic
REG Jan, 13
REG Jan, 13
Abigail Brown Manchester, Jamaica
Graduate at International University of the Caribbean Jan, 13
zwusalmeynyrddkGP swusafmevtbpxdgGP Latvia, Guinea-Bissau
REG Jan, 13
xzusalmentbwcfgGP swusafmeynpqcqsGP Liechtenstein, Portugal
REG Jan, 13
REG Jan, 12
REG Jan, 12
REG Jan, 12
REG Jan, 12
REG Jan, 12
Toni-Ann Gayle St. James, Jamaica
Experienced Business Developer, Experience in Hospitality Management, Entrepreneur Jan, 12
REG Jan, 11