Moneague College Jobs in Jamaica

Moneague College Jobs in Jamaica

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Browse the latest Moneague College Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Moneague College is a company domicilied at . Like all companies in the Colleges Universities sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

Moneague College: Business details

The Moneague College offers a range of teacher education and community college programmes as well as CXC/SEC and CAPE subjects and short courses for personal development. Our three campuses (Linstead, St. Catherine; Moneague St. Ann and Port Maria, St. Mary) are strategically located to serve rural citizens in keeping with our mission to reduce rural migration. We also respond to the needs of the community and our target markets and systematically review our programmes and seek partnerships both locally and overseas that would be of benefit to our college family. Our main campus boasts a state of the art lecture theatre and a multi-purpose auditorium that can seat approximately 1,500 persons. We also offer boarding with meals and we cater for conferences, camps, sporting and other events. Our staff is well trained and experienced and understand our thrust to always soar to the heights of excellence.

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Moneague College careers: Contact Informations

Moneague College's phone numer is 876-973-0489.
This Jamaican company address is Kingston, Jamaica.
You can also contact them on social networks: