Mona Geoinformatics Institute Jobs in Jamaica

Mona Geoinformatics Institute Jobs in Jamaica

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Browse the latest Mona Geoinformatics Institute Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Mona Geoinformatics Institute is a company domicilied at Mona Rd Kingston 7 Jamaica . Like all companies in the Database Management sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

Mona Geoinformatics Institute: Business details

Mona Geoinformatics institute (MGI) is the trading brand of Mona Informatix Ltd, a limited liability company wholly owned by UWI Mona. MGI has a dual role as UWI research enti ty and commercial business specialising in geospatial information technologies, products and services. MGI has six revenue generating product and services lines: Human and social mapping, natural hazards and environment, software development, 3D models and visualisations, JAMNAV and GIS training. MGI generates its revenues primarily through direct provision of GIS related services to Jamaica's private sector, government ministries and agencies and various NGO's as well as direct tender submissions on multilateral agency funded projects either as primary or secondary contractor. JAMNAV, the Caribbean's first and Jamaica's only GPS road navigation system was developed from internally generated research and funding within MGI and is the company's principal commercial product. MGI has re-branded its logo and image and has positioned itself to be seen as a smart company offering information services to business. Increasingly our software development capabilities, even for nonspatial applications, are in demand.

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Mona Geoinformatics Institute careers: Contact Informations

Mona Geoinformatics Institute's phone numer is 876-977-3160.
This Jamaican company address is Mona Rd Kingston 7 Jamaica .
You can also contact them on social networks: Find a job