Balli Kayann A Jobs in Jamaica
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Browse the latest Balli Kayann A Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Balli Kayann A is a company domicilied at . Like all companies in the Attorneys At Law sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam
Balli Kayann A: Business details
Balli & Associates is a civil law firm with a commitment to fight for your rights, leaving no stone unturned to get the results you desire. Our focus is always to advance and protect our clients’ rights and getting the results they desire. Located in the New Kingston commercial district, Kingston 5, Jamaica, Balli & Associates represents clients both locally and overseas. Our small size enables us to tailor our services specifically towards the personal and specialised needs of our varied clients. We offer a wide range of legal services to institutions and individuals including Conveyancing, Estate Planning and Administration, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Contracts, Debt Recovery, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Mediation, Medical Malpractice, Family Law and Divorce.
Balli Kayann A careers: Contact Informations
Balli Kayann A's phone numer is 876-901-5132.
This Jamaican company address is Kingston, Jamaica.
You can also contact them on social networks: